[104美國直購] Pioneer PL-30 Audiophile Stereo Turntable 黑膠 唱盤大特賣,想要的朋友看過來!!
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[104美國直購] Pioneer PL-30 Audiophile Stereo Turntable 黑膠 唱盤台灣樂天購物網,台灣樂天市場購物網,日本樂天購物網站,樂天市場購物網站,樂天購物網站,台灣樂天購物,台灣樂天市場網站,樂天購物網,日本樂天購物網,樂天購物
[104美國直購] Pioneer PL-30 Audiophile Stereo Turntable 黑膠 唱盤
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有關[104美國直購] Pioneer PL-30 Audiophile Stereo Turntable 黑膠 唱盤的詳細介紹如下:
Full-Automatic Operation
Dual-Layered Chassis with 4 mm-Thick Metal Plate and Low Center of GravityProvides Stable Playback
Built-in Phono Equalizer with On/Through Selector: On for Connecting Amps without Phono Terminal, Through When Using External Phono Equalizer
High-Performance MM Cartridge Included
Original 5 mm-Thick Rubber Mat Suppresses External Vibration While FirmlyGripping the Record
The PL-30 is designed from the ground up with one single goal in mind: to extract all information that lies in the grooves of analogue records, in order to guarantee the most satisfactory musical experience. This new turntable is fully automatic, which means that the tone arm will be positioned exactly above the very first grooves of the record and will then gently be lowered to start the music. All by pushing a single button. When the record is finished, the tone arm will automatically return to its base.
Product Dimensions: 15 x 17 x 4 inches ; 12.3 pounds
Shipping Weight: 15.6 pounds
Item model number: PL-30-K
[104美國直購] Pioneer PL-30 Audiophile Stereo Turntable 黑膠 唱盤